We Care...

Welcome to Cardiac Care Centre, Hurstville...
At Cardiac Care Centre, we are dedicated to offering our patients – the utmost quality and excellence in cardiac care...

Home      FAQ


1. What do I need to bring to my cardiologist consultation?

A copy of your referral leter, a list of your medications and dosage.
New patients should also bring your chest x-ray.


2. How do I get my results?

You will be advised at your consultation.
Patients can either ring in for the results or alternatively make the next appointment to discuss their results with the doctor.


3. If I feel that I need to see the cardiologist earlier than my appointed time, how do I organise this?

Some issues are complex and our cardiologists are aware that the patients have a GP available to them. We kindly request that you see your GP first, and if they feel your appointment should be bought forward, then we ask that your GP contact our practice to arrange this.